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Displaying 13 - 24 of 1808
Nature Culture Lisa McLoughlin
How NatureCulture Connects Poets with Protected Lands

As a poet and activist, 我问自己:在这个时代,土地需要所有的帮助来避免被砍伐或被铺砌, how can I help the land protect itself? 正如自然界中经常发生的那样,答案是与伙伴合作. Land Trusts are conservers of land, and by pairing poets with protected lands, “书写土地”项目提供了一种方式,让诗人可以将他们的写作从森林中移出来,付诸行动,保护我们所热爱的土地. 能从事这项重要的工作,我感到很荣幸. 我们邀请您加入我们,浏览我们的网站,享受诗歌,阅读

Srujana Kosuri of Refresh Kid LLC
Mentorship Fuels Growth for Refresh Kid

自从加入SCORE以来,Srujana的业务有了显著的改善. Under the mentorship of Mark McCleary, Refresh Kid LLC has grown exponentially, expanding from 100 students to nearly 2000. She successfully introduced new courses, revamped her website, and implemented more efficient payment methods. Mark的指导帮助她识别并解决了业务运营中的漏洞, leading to overall improvement. Srujana和她的导师设定的目标既现实又可实现. 在他们合作的过程中,马克一直在挑战她,让她设定雄心壮志

JaHannah Pitchford
美学家称SCORE Mentor是她行业中的“杰出人物”

In middle school, 玛丽·皮奇福德女王在忍受校园欺凌的同时,把化妆作为一种建立信任的工具. “我开始尝试化妆,我爱上了它,因为它让我觉得自己很漂亮,” said Pitchford. “我想,如果这能让我快乐,为什么我不能对其他女人也这样做呢??Pitchford是一位拥有五年执照的美容师,今年6月,她开设了Queen’s Palace Wax蜡像店 & Beauty Salon in Feasterville. Three months before her grand opening, 她开始师从SCORE Bucks县的Nina De Rosa, who guided her in everything from finding an accountant

Erie Cleaning Services mother, daughter and son team
Erie Cleaning Services

朱莉·雷诺兹(Julie Reynolds)在SCORE的帮助下重塑了她的清洁业务, transforming them into Erie Cleaning Services, and setting the stage for success.

Cynthia Franzolin
A Journey of Growth and Success: The Story of Therayology

Cynthia Franzolin, the dynamic force behind Therayology, embarked on her entrepreneurial journey five years ago. 像许多企业主一样,辛西娅在创业初期面临着许多挑战. 她需要清晰地定义业务目标, identifying her market, and managing cost structures. Everything seemed like an opportunity, 但她需要一个明确的方向来引导她的公司走向成功.

Robert Jack of Unishim

I’ve worked as an electrician and contractor since 1979. Over the years, 我在工作中遇到了一个反复出现的问题,却没有有效的解决办法, 这启发了我为电气工业开发一种特殊的紧固件. 这项创新在美国和加拿大获得了专利和Unishim®商标. 然后我开了一家公司来开发、生产和销售这种产品. 凭借我在这个过程中获得的经验和资源, 我现在正在开发其他更容易、更快速使用的电子产品.

Daniel Shultz owner of Triangle Sessions
Triangle Sessions is Boosting Morale in the Workplace

三角会议是一家专门从事团队建设和虚拟体验的企业健康公司. 我们的使命是在强调个人福祉的同时,提高工作场所的士气. 我们已经与100多家公司合作过,比如谷歌、Meta、德勤等等. Some of our testimonials include: "This class was a blast, and Danielle is a superb instructor - our team loved it!" - Meta "The Ted Lasso of yoga instructors. We loved it. 感谢您为我们组创建了这样一个适用的,有效的课程." - All State "丹妮尔表现出色,为我们所有人带来了美好的体验."

Michelle Smith, CEO of Sensibly Sprouted
Sensibly Sprouted

Michelle B Smith (MS RDN CD) is the Owner and CEO of Sensibly Sprouted Corporation; an insurance-based medical nutrition therapy practice specializing in weight loss, sports nutrition, pediatric nutrition, 并逆转慢性疾病,如心脏病和糖尿病. 她在佛罗里达大学获得理学学士学位,在佛罗里达国际大学获得营养学和营养学硕士学位. 2017年,米歇尔将她的虚拟饮食实践从Ft搬到了纽约. Lauderdale, Florida to Bellingham, WA. 在那里她可以继续看她那几个病人

Leo Rodriguez
Leo's Honey Farm LLC

It all started with a few beehives in my backyard, 只是对大自然和迷人的蜜蜂世界的单纯热爱.

Backyard Buzz owners Karen and Nikki
SCORE Mentor Boosts Buzz for Honey Business

在费城的哈内曼医院做护士的时候, 母女卡伦·泽布罗斯基和尼基·泽布罗斯基-贝克开始了一项甜蜜的副业,制作蜂蜜并向她们的医疗保健同事和当地活动出售. For a year and a half, 母女二人继续兼职照顾贾米森的后院嗡嗡声. “She couldn’t keep up with the demand,” Zebrowski said of her daughter, a beekeeper of nine years, 谁后来成为康奈尔认证养蜂人和认证传粉者管家. 到2021年,企业家们已经放弃了他们在医疗保健领域的角色

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