
Do you want to make a positive impact and support Black business owners in your community? 成为盟友是促进包容和平等的重要一步. 通过积极参与提升和赋予黑人企业主权力的实践, 你可以为他们企业的成长和成功做出贡献.



黑人企业对我们的社区至关重要. 它们创造就业机会,促进经济发展,提供我们喜爱的商品和服务. 这里有七种方法可以帮助黑人企业主取得成功: 

1. 教育你自己.  

Educating yourself about the unique challenges faced by Black business owners is a vital first step in being an ally. There are many resources available that can help you learn more about these challenges. You can search online, talk to Black business owners or attend workshops and seminars. 通过深入了解这些问题——比如歧视, lack of access to capital and limited networks – you’ll be better equipped to support Black entrepreneurs.  

2. 在黑人开的商店购物.  

One of the best ways to support Black business owners is by shopping at their establishments. 当你在黑人开的商店购物时, 你把钱回馈给社区,帮助创造就业机会. 你也在支持那些经常被主流零售商忽视的业务.

3. 投资黑人拥有的企业.  

Investing in Black-owned businesses is a great way to support Black entrepreneurs and help them succeed. 最棒的是? 你不需要成为百万富翁才能做到这一点. There are many ways to invest in Black businesses – you can invest through crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter or GoFundMe, 或者你可以联系想要投资黑人企业的天使投资人.

Investing in Black businesses isn’t just a great way to support them; it’s also a way to diversify your portfolio. 这也是一个赚钱的好方法,因为 黑人企业正变得越来越成功

4. 与黑人企业主合作.  

建设繁荣的工商界,合作至关重要. 当你与黑人企业主合作时, 你不只是在支持一项业务, 你是在支持整个社区. 你们也在帮助创造一个更加多样化和包容性的商业环境.

与黑人拥有的企业合作的方式有很多. You could: 

  • 项目合作伙伴. If you’re working on a project that would benefit from the expertise of a Black entrepreneur, 考虑与他们合作. For example, 如果你经营一家餐饮企业, you can collaborate with a Black-owned event planning company to create a more diverse and inclusive event. You can also partner with a Black-owned bakery to create custom cakes for your events. 

  • 交叉推广彼此的业务. Promote each other’s business on your social media channels, websites and other marketing channels. 

  • 共享资源. 如果你有多余的资源, 比如办公空间或设备, 考虑与黑人经营的企业分享. 

  • 互相介绍客户. If you have a customer looking for a product or service offered by a Black business owner, 一定要参考他们. 

通过与黑人拥有的企业合作, you can help level the playing field and create a more equitable business landscape, 在你当地的社区和商业世界.  

5. 自愿奉献你的时间来支持黑人企业主.  

Volunteering is a great way to support Black businesses and make a difference in your community. Many organizations support Black businesses, and they always need help from volunteers. 你可以自愿花时间帮助各种各样的活动,比如:  

  • Fundraising. Help raise money for Black-owned businesses through donations, events or other means. 

  • Networking. Help connect Black-owned businesses with potential partners, investors or customers. 

  • Education. 帮助公众了解黑人拥有的企业及其面临的挑战. 

6. 考虑指导和分享你的技能.  

Mentorship is a powerful way to give back to your community and help aspiring Black entrepreneurs succeed. 通过分享你的知识, 技能和专业知识, you can empower them to navigate the challenges of successfully starting and growing a business. 你可以加入 作为导师的皇冠现金官网或其他支持企业主的非营利组织. 

For example, 如果你有数字营销的经验, you could volunteer to mentor a Black-owned startup in developing their marketing strategies. Your mentorship could help them establish a strong online presence and reach a wider audience. Or, 如果你有会计方面的经验, you could mentor a Black entrepreneur who’s just starting and needs help with bookkeeping and financial planning. 你的帮助可以为他们建立一个成功的企业打下基础.

Mentorship is a win-win for everyone involved – the client gets the advice and support they need, and the mentor gets to give back to their community and make a difference to someone’s business. 

7. 大声反对歧视.  

Discrimination is never okay, and it’s important that you speak up when you see or hear it happening. 如果你看到或听到对黑人企业主的歧视,请大声说出来.  让老板知道你支持他们,愿意帮助他们.

下面是一些你可以这样说的例子:“那不对,“我很抱歉让你处理这件事。,”“我在这里支持你,或者“我可以帮你投诉。.” You can also offer to be a witness or help the business owner find appropriate resources. Consider some additional points when speaking up against discrimination: Be respectful and calm. 你不想让局势升级吧. 此外,要具体描述你的所见所闻. 这将有助于企业主提出投诉. 然后,要愿意跟进. 如果老板需要你的帮助,那就去帮助他们. 大声说出来, you are sending a message that discrimination is unacceptable and that Black business owners deserve to be treated with respect. 


Being an ally to Black business owners means taking action to create a more inclusive and fair business landscape. You can do this by educating yourself about the challenges that Black entrepreneurs face, 通过购买和投资来支持黑人拥有的企业, collaborating with Black business owners and volunteering your time and mentoring Black entrepreneurs. It’s also important that you speak up against discrimination when you see or hear it happening.

Let’s be a force for positive change by actively promoting diversity and equality within the business community. Together, we can build a future where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed and thrive. 



环球大西洋金融集团 is a leading insurance company meeting the retirement and life insurance needs of individuals and institutions. 具有扎实的财务基础和风险投资管理专业知识, 该公司提供量身定制的解决方案,以创造更安全的金融期货. The company's performance has been driven by its culture and core values focused on integrity, 团队合作和建立长期客户关系的重要性. Global Atlantic is a wholly-owned subsidiary of KKR, a leading global investment firm. 通过它的关系, 该公司利用KKR的投资能力, 规模和进入资本市场的途径,以提高其为客户提供的价值. KKR的母公司是KKR & Co. Inc. (NYSE: KKR).


版权所有©2024 SCORE Association, SCORE.org

部分资金来自与美国的合作协议.S. 小企业管理局. 所有的意见, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

